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The home of the NZ Board of Geography Teachers on the web

Geography is the study of ngā taiao and the interconnections within them. We consider the question “What Is Where, Why There, and Why Care?” (Charles F. Gritzner (2002), Journal of Geography, 101:1, 38-40) so we can make sense of place.

Network of Expertise

The BOGT are members of the Networks of Expertise. They employ three Kaiarahi who work with teachers across the country to grow their skills and pedagogy in Geography. This occurs through individual meetings with kaiako, clusters of teachers within a region or workshops across a region. Kaiarahi produce resources and materials for teachers doing the heavy lifting for them in the busy space of schools.

The 35 Networks of Expertise (NEX) are led by expert, passionate, and innovative kaiako and teachers from across the education sectors. They have a strong understanding of professional learning and development (PLD) needs and aim to develop, grow, and support peer to peer networks across Aotearoa New Zealand.

NEX provide just-in-time teaching, learning and assessment support through PLD, resources, and collaborative face to face and online opportunities. They also offer on-going advice and guidance to build capability and adaptive expertise for kaiako and teachers.

NEX provide support across a range of subject, interest, and learning areas, including for some NEX, the NCEA Change Programme and the implementation of the Aotearoa New Zealand’s Histories curriculum.

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GeoGraphy Kete

Browse this kete page to find curated resources relevant to your teaching and learning programmes, or get inspired to do something new.

Have some suggestions? Get in touch!

mātauranga Māori 

Explore how we can incorporate mātauranga Māori into our Geography programmes

The GIS Lounge

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has become an integral part of what we do as Geography teachers. That’s why we have dedicated a special section of this site to it. 

Need some support in setting up GIS software at your school? Unsure of how to implement GIS across your programme? Wanting to arrange some face-to-face PD with one of the GIS Champions of your region? Come on in to the GIS lounge!

Want to reach out?